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Schola De Vita

ABM (Accountancy, Business and Management)

Grade 12

1st Semester Subjects

  • 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World
  • Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person
  • Physical Education and Health 3
  • Applied Track 3: Practical Research 2
  • Applied Track 4: English for Academic and Professional Purposes
  • Applied Track 5: Entrepreneurship
  • Specialization 3: Fundamental of Accountancy, Business and Management 1
  • Specialization 4: Business Math
  • Specialization 5: Organization and Management
  • Elective 2 (Entrepreneurial Management)

2nd Semester Subjects

  • Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions
  • Media and Information Literacy
  • Physical Education and Health 4
  • Applied track 6: Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion
  • Applied Track 7: Filipino Course
  • Specialization 6: Fundamental of Accountancy, Business and Management 2
  • Specialization 7: Business Finance
  • Specialization 8: Principles of Marketing
  • Specialization 9: Work Immersion
  • Academe-Industry 101
  • ELECTIVES: Graphics Design, Robotics, Journalism