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Schola De Vita

    • Honor Students: (applies to Elementary and High School only)
      • The honor students shall be ranked using the 8-1-1 point scheme, ( 8 points for academic performance, 1 points for the extra and co-curricular activities, and 1 point for the conduct)
      • The final general average of the candidates for honors in the previous grade or year level in the graduating classes is no longer included in the computation. (DepEd Order #6,s. 2005) (“The students’ grades in the previous curriculum level shall not be considered in the ranking of honors for graduating students.”)
      • Candidates for honors at any level must have done the entire work of the grade/year level of the current school year. Thus pupils/students who transfer during the school year shall not be eligible for honors for the said school year.
      • Candidates for honors at any grade or year level must have an average grade of 85 and above, and of, at least, a grade of 85 in any subject and 85 in conduct grade, CONSISTENTLY, in all four quarters. These students will be receiving HONOR CARDS every quarter.
      • Candidates for honors in Senior High School must have an average grade of 85 and above or P (Proficient), and of, at least, 85 in conduct grade, CONSISTENTLY, in all two semesters.
      • A pupil/student who has been suspended for serious disciplinary infractions shall be DISQUALIFIED for honors for the curriculum grade/year during which the suspension was imposed.
      • Students who have an average grade of 85 and above, and of, at least, a grade of 85 in any subject and B+/85 in conduct grade, not consistently or only for a certain quarter, will receive a MERIT CARD.
      • The following awards shall be given to qualifies students based on their ranks:


  • Special Awards: In recognition of loyalty, leadership skills and similar talents, the school shall award the following at the end of the school year:
    • Subject Achievement Award (for students who got the highest grade in each subject in the class and it should have academic grade of 90% and above)
    • Exemplary Conduct Award
    • Exemplary Attendance Award
    • Leadership Award
    • Loyalty Award
    • Directress Award (will be given to students who bring honors to the school in inter-school competitions)
    • other related awards


  • Honors and Awards Committee: All honors and awards of students shall be reviewed and deliberated upon by the committee composed of the:
    • President
    • Directress
    • ACAD
    • Subject Coordinators
    • Subject Teachers
    • Advisers

    Any member of the Committee who is related within the second degree of affinity or
    consanguinity to any candidate for honor shall not be allowed to sit as member of the Honors and
    Awards Committee.